Teen Help ~ Supporting and Empowering Youth

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I’m very excited that you have found the I am Teen Strong website. As you already know, being a teenager, or the parent of one, is not easy.

Throughout our lives we all have questions, need help and guidance about important and sometimes life changing issues. If you, or someone you love, need support, I encourage you to explore the directory of services, and if necessary, reach out to one of the national helplines.

It is my hope that thru the weekly blogs you will find inspiration, tools, and information to help move through the challenging teen years.

This website was created for the sole purpose of connecting teens and their parents (and other influencers) to the resources and community programs available. We want to help all youth create a strong path for positive growth and discovering the greatness within.

As you explore the website, I hope that you feel the warmth and acceptance being offered. The colors of the logo and website were chosen for the meaning behind each color…pink is the international color for self-love, green represents a fresh start, new beginning and growth, gold is for optimism and positivity, and the color black represents power and strength.

We want you to feel Connected, Empowered and Inspired!

Strong On!

Sherry Eklund



If you believe you may have a medical emergency, call 911 immediately.

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I Am Teen Strong does not unlawfully discriminate internally (in its administrative and program operations) or externally (in the provision of services) based on race, political orientation, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, national origin, ethnicity, ancestry, marital status, veteran status, or mental or physical disability or any other status prohibited by applicable law

Stories That Inspire

I’ve always felt emotions so deeply, seemingly much more than others. Anxiety found me even as a child. I’d cry hysterically to my mom because I was afraid of death and feel sick to my stomach for weeks before sleep away camp. Once my teenage years hit, the darkness of depression started to seep in. These intense emotions were frightening, and so I hid them away. Read more »


Like many people my age, I come from a blended family. There’s my mom, step-dad, step-sister, my two brothers and me. I was six when my mom got remarried and I am now 22. While it was challenging growing up in a blended family, it was rewarding, too. Looking back now, I wouldn’t trade my situation because, in the end, it gave me my family, and I wouldn’t change my family for anything in the world. Read more »


I was asked to write an article for the “Stories that Inspire” section of this website. Wow. I never thought I would have made it to a point where I could inspire and be in a position where I could share my story. I have no way of telling how you wandered to this site and then this article, but I hope you find the support you’re looking for, as well as the words you need to hear to carry on. Read more »


Raised by parents who struggled with drug addiction, in an environment where abuse was rampant, I lived a childhood filled with setbacks, heartbreak and challenges. At 11, my dad beat my mom in the early hours of the morning and left for Cali and shortly thereafter ended up in prison. Read more »


I was in the 4th grade the first time someone called me the ‘n’ word. It was a teacher. At the time, I didn’t know what the word meant, but I remember going home and telling my family and the shock that swept over my mother’s face when I said it. Read more »


You can pretty much guarantee another baby.” I’m eavesdropping as I sit next to a girl talking to her friend on how to game the government benefits we are all here to collect. It’s a monthly check under a program called WIC (Women Infant and Children program) for moms that don’t make enough money to take care of themselves and their baby, or babies if you follow the advice of the girl next to me. It pays for things like formula and peanut butter. Read more »


My name is Mary Kominska and the story of my life may sound like something out of a novel or tabloid magazine. I say this because I have survived. Read more »


I was 17. It was another hot and humid summer evening and as usual my friends I were “partying”. Nothing that regular teenagers didn’t do at that time in the early 80’s. We always partied at the neighbors house because her mom worked the night shift and let’s be honest the rest of the parents would have never allowed that many teenagers in one house at one time. Read more »


Hello! My name is Jeanette.

I am an anxiety survivor. I didn’t know I was suffering from anxiety until I was in my 30’s. I
remember being told I Had mental health issues. I was handed a prescription and sent on my way. I sobbed all the way home from the Dr’s office. I didn’t know how I was going to tell my husband. After all, I thought I would need to be put in a straight jacket and locked in a padded cell. I mean isn’t that how Hollywood portrays mental health? I got home and told my husband. He said everything will be alright.

Fast forward a few years…I hadn’t told my parents about my diagnosis because I felt ashamed. Can anyone relate? We were getting ready to celebrate my father’s birthday, and one of the worst panic attacks kicked in. I didn’t want anyone to know. I went into the bathroom and turned the blow dryer on, pretending I was blow drying my hair. My Mom could still hear me.

She demanded that I let her in. I did, and I had to tell her about my anxiety and panic attacks. We stood for what seemed like forever. There was a single tear that rolled down my mom’s cheek. She then said, “I was hoping it would skip you, kids!” I couldn’t believe it. Did she just tell me that she had anxiety too? Here my mom was in her 60’s and she had suffered in silence all this time. That really clarified a lot of things throughout my childhood. It was at that point that even though I am only one person, my voice needed to be heard. We need to stop the stigma that comes with mental health. Here I am sharing my story with all of you.

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