Teen Help ~ Supporting and Empowering Youth
Education, Leadership, Entrepreneur
Assists disadvantaged youth to define their independence, stability, and career pathways. Programs include, pre-employment transition services, alternative credit and continuing education programs. All programs are free of charge.
Phone: (602) 277-5787
Website: https://www.anbservices.org/
Provides youth leadership development while embracing and celebrating a diverse society. Ages 14-19.
Website: https://anytownleadershipcamp.org/
Youth Services Program serves eligible youth ages 14 – 24 with career exploration, gas cards & bus passes, GED, paid work experiences, testing fees, and training grants.
Website: https://arizonaatwork.com/locations
Multiple programs that are designed to ensure success – continuing education choices, work-based learning, leadership development, linkages to employers, and on-going, sustained support.
Maricopa County
Phone: (602) 252-6721
Website: https://acyraz.org/
Matches kids/teens/young adults with adult volunteer mentors to develop strong and positive relationships.
Central AZ, Yavapai, Tucson
Phone: Central AZ: (602) 264-2447
Phone: Yavapai: (928) 778-5135
Phone: Tucson: (520) 624-2447
Website: http://www.bbbsaz.org
Website: http://www.azbigs.org
Website: http://www.tucsonbigs.org
A comprehensive video-based career exploration and readiness tool for girls. It’s free to use and has the largest online collection of career guidance videos focusing exclusively on diverse and accomplished women
Website: Careergirls.org
Assists students in these key areas: Grade Point Average management, involvement in extracurricular activities and community service, university track academic classes, SAT and ACT prep and completion, resume, letters of recommendation and personal essay compilation, and application completion for college entrance, scholarships and financial aid.
Phone: (602) 550-3161
Website: https://www.collegeboundaz.org/
Empowering kids and teens through the game of golf
Greater Phoenix/Maricopa County
Phone: 602-305-7655
Website: FirstTeePhoenix.org
Prepares for a lifetime of leadership, success, and adventure in a safe, no-limits place. Designed for and by girls.
Central & Northern & Southern AZ
Phone: Central & Northern AZ: (800) 352-6133
Phone: Southern AZ: (800) 331-6782
Website: http://www.girlscoutsaz.org/
Website: https://www.girlscoutssoaz.org/
Website: https://www.life-paradigms.com/blueprint-for-womanhood
Outpatient treatment center that offers services to school age students. All services aid clients to live healthy lives for themselves, their family and their communities. Programs include health & wellness, mentorship, tutoring sessions, career development, and enrichment exploration.
Phone: (480) 761-7260
Website: https://www.livwellbhs.org/
Multiple programs that focus on the needs of youth to empower them to become successful members of the community, while building a positive relationship with police. Age range of programs vary between 5 yrs. – 18 yrs.
East Valley
Serves the LGBTQ community (11yrs – 24 yrs) by providing social and service programs.
Website: http://onenten.org/
Helps young people host “sober parties” and other drug-free events for their schools. The mission to is to save lives and challenge culture by giving students ways to have fun, make friends and feel good without using drugs or alcohol.
Nation-wide (based in Phoenix)
Phone: (480) 239-4355
Website: https://www.vive18.com/
Provide the resources necessary to keep teens in school, including individualized guidance, financial assistance, and even help with everyday basic needs.
Phone: (520) 293-1136
Website: https://yoto.org/