
Could I Have a Drinking Problem?

By Jackie James --- Alcohol consumption, a totally acceptable social norm. People drink alcohol for many reasons, but it’s sometimes a blurred line between ‘casual consumption’ and ‘problematic drinking’. Many teens take up drinking and then find themselves hooked. How do you know if you have a problem with alcohol ...

Nurture Your Entrepreneurial Spirit

By Adriana Parsons --- Learning to think, take initiative and solve challenges like an entrepreneur is a great opportunity for you to develop new skills and strengthen your natural abilities. Leading with an entrepreneurial mindset can position you to better recognize opportunity as you navigate your high school journey and ...

Teen Dating Violence

By Bobbi Sudberry --- February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, and this is what you need to know... There comes a time when young people start to have intimate feelings towards another. The person of interest is someone they want to get to know and share things with on ...

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