Written by: Kristen Donia

Body positivity rocks. At its heart, what it does, is supports the notion that all bodies are deserving of love and respect.

The overall topic of body positivity has increased awareness and also the need for support and resources when it comes to our overall body acceptance. This shift has allowed for the birth of a plethora of online resources specifically catered to teenagers.

As more influencers discuss body positivity, there becomes an awareness to the negative effects of body shaming which had previously been on the rise over the years with the growth of social media.

This awareness of shame and positivity has led to the creation of more community and resources in online spaces about body positivity. Feeling the support of a community, as a teenager, is incredibly important. Especially given how the last few years and the pandemic have gone. Creating a safe space where we can talk about complex issues about our bodies is essential to an overall acceptance for who we are and how we look.

Many businesses now offer specific events catered to the discussion of body positive image. Access to the information in these programs makes new and important lessons, teachings, and outlooks available to teenagers. Putting new and positive information in front of them. After all, the social media world is not always a positive landscape when it comes to bodies. When we have someone specific to turn to, like a workshop or class discussing this complex issue, we feel supported and validated in how we feel and realize that we are not alone. Seeing this, instills confidence in who we are and how we feel.

Another way that body positivity has changed our culture, can be seen in more diverse bodies in the media, online and in magazines helps us to understand that all bodies are accepted and celebrated.

These are only a few of the changes that have stemmed from an increase in body positivity content, influencers, and dialogue about our bodies and how all bodies matter and should be accepted.

Now, there are more programs, communities, and events available to teenagers that focus on a healthy mindset about our bodies. And with this increase in this dialogue, teenagers have more support and feel more encouraged to accept their own bodies, looking for what they innately possess and just how powerful their bodies are.


Kristen Donia is a freelance writer living in a tiny house she built in sunny Southern Oregon. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and has dedicated her life to studying and writing about empathy, vulnerability and enriching the human experience.