By Fawzya Khosti, M.A.Ed., Ed.D. (abd)

Whenever I think about motivation, I think of fishing. When I was a teenager my family spent the summers in Wisconsin. We stayed in a few small cabins along a small lake. There were trees everywhere and the place smelled like pine needles and dirt.

I looked forward to our vacations every year. I loved to get up early in the morning. I would grab my fishing gear, get into my canoe, and find my way to my favorite fishing spot. I loved my time alone on the water, fishing and exploring the outdoors. I did not enjoy cleaning the fish. But I was willing to clean them as long as I could go fishing again the next day. It was always such a relaxing experience!

But summer always came to an end, and I would pack up my memories (photos, pine cones, leaves, etc.)and go home. But I always knew that I would get to enjoy another amazing summer vacation at the lake the following summer.

What motivates you? Below is a self-discovery activity that can help you find what gets you excited about life.


A self-discovery activity to help you find out what motivates you. It is important to remember that self-discovery is a process and it takes time.

  • Start your self-discovery process by creating a list of things you want to be good at or things you want to do. Think big! This is where you can get excited about life and find your motivation.
  • Note the things you have to do to get what you want.What are the things you will you have to do in order to get where you want to be?
  • And decide on what you are willing to do. If you are motivated and really want something, you will be willing to do the things you don’t enjoy happily if they lead the way to where you want to go.

Below is an example of how you may want to create your list:

What motivates you?


Fawzya KhostiC.HT., M.A.Ed./CI, Ed.D. (abd), Executive Function Coach and Certified Hypnotherapist

Fawzya is an educator and certified hypnotherapist. She has helped students with a variety of challenges, including AD/HD, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, high functioning autism, and anxiety improve their executive function skills and become more successful. Fawzya also consults with homeschooling families and has experience homeschooling children for other families. She loves watching others reach their highest potential.