Written by: Ema Grant, MS, LPC

It’s almost here – that wonderful time of year with no school, no homework, and no extracurriculars. We spend most of the school year wishing it was summer vacation, and yet most of us struggle to really enjoy the freedom it brings. How many times have you gone back to school in the fall and felt that break went by too fast, you didn’t make the memories you wanted, or you don’t feel as rested and restored as you’d hoped? It’s actually a very normal thing for us to struggle to adapt to the lack of structure and routine, and to even find ourselves bored and tired of the very break we said we wanted. But there are some ways you can use this time to your advantage and really get the most out of your summer.

Some Structure is Needed

No, you don’t have to wake up before the sun to get to school on time. And you don’t have hours of homework, practice, clubs, and so forth. As nice as that sounds, we all actually function much better with at least some sort of routine. Set and stick to a consistent bedtime and wake-time, have a simple morning routine to start your day, and have some basic times dedicated to things like hobbies, chores, or relationships. Having some time blocked off with some commitments will help you feel more productive, more energized, and will maintain some stability and consistency to make the transition back to school easier.

Fill Your Days with Fun

As part of this structure, make a list of a few things you’d like to accomplish over the summer – read your favorite book series, enhance your skills with painting or drawing, spend more time out with friends, exercise, redecorate your room – and put it on your calendar or set alarms on your phone to remind you to take the time to do it. This may sound silly, but the truth is we typically don’t make time for things unless we schedule them! It can be as simple as dedicating a few hours once or twice a week to the things you love, and over the course of a few weeks, the things you always say you want to do will actually get done. And you won’t find yourself “bored” from zoning out on Netflix or TikTok because you’ve invested time into things you enjoy.

The best part of summer is the freedom to do what you want, when you want. But, without some plan or structure, that often looks like laying in front of the tv wondering what to do with yourself. With just a little bit of self-discipline, you can finally have an interesting answer to “What did you do this summer?” Come up with a bit of routine for your days that still feels restful, and set aside time in your weeks to focus on the things you enjoy doing. By the end of the summer, you’ll truly feel rejuvenated, and you’ll go back to school with the energy and motivation you need.


Ema is a Licensed Professional Counselor in the State of Arizona and graduated with a master’s in professional counseling from Grand Canyon University. As part of the Evolve Counseling team, Ema specializes in treating trauma, grief, and life transitions in adolescence through adulthood.