Written by: Kristen Donia

The media plays a powerful role in shaping how we view ourselves and others.

In the last fifty years, the media often portrayed a very narrow and unrealistic standard of beauty, with only a certain body type being considered attractive. This is harmful to us at any age as it creates pressure to conform to these standards because we only see one body size depicted in the media.

Thanks to the body positivity movement and body positive influencers and professionals, this has started to change.

Body positivity is all about celebrating and accepting all body types and sizes, and it has helped to increase representation of diverse bodies in the media.

Within the last few years, it has become more common to see people of different shapes and sizes represented in TV shows, movies, magazines, and more.

This increased representation is important because it normalizes different body types and sizes. Seeing this can make us feel more comfortable in our own skin because seeing people who look like us in the media helps us feel more included and valued, and like there is a place for us in society too.

It can also help to reduce the negative impacts of narrow beauty standards. When more types of bodies are represented, we feel more comfortable celebrating our own unique beauty.

Increasing diversity of representation in the media can also help to challenge harmful stereotypes and biases because when we see a wider range of bodies represented, we’re more likely to see these bodies as strong, capable, and worthy of respect, rather than being judged or dismissed based on their size or shape.

This greater representation is essential to our current culture. We all deserve to feel valued, respected, and loved for being exactly who we are. Thankfully, the body positive movement is helping to change this and we are seeing those changes reflected in the media. I certainly hope there is more of this inclusivity to come. What do you hope is next in the body positive movement?


Kristen Donia is a freelance writer living in a tiny house she built in sunny Southern Oregon. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and has dedicated her life to studying and writing about empathy, vulnerability and enriching the human experience.