Written by: Nina Sanyal, MA LAC

Sometimes, trying to start your healing journey can be overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, it doesn’t get much easier than starting with gratitude. One of the simplest ways to combat depression, anxiety, or even burnout is by making a priority of practicing gratitude daily.

When practicing gratitude, it is important to make it a habit that is intentional because this can allow you to appreciate the small wins in life. In the age of social media, it has become incredibly easy to compare yourself to other people. This can sometimes lead to feelings of doom, pessimism, or inadequacy. Practicing gratitude can serve as an antidote to these feelings and instead cultivate joy in your life.

When we say practicing gratitude, we mean practicing gratitude. It’s okay if it takes you a little time to get the hang of it. If you find that it is difficult at first, practice makes perfect. Don’t beat yourself up or think that you can’t do it. Practicing gratitude is something that you can learn to do if it does not come naturally to you. Many of us never had a practice of gratitude taught to us by our families or communities. Instead, we as a society tend to focus on the things we don’t have. If it feels difficult for you, start small and perhaps choose one thing every day that you are grateful for. Once that feels a little easier, work your way up and add in some more items.

Here are three ways you can begin practicing gratitude today!

Journal your Gratitude

Writing down what you are grateful for can be an incredibly powerful tool. Not only does this practice work the mind, but the body as well. Fostering a strong mind-body connection can help get those positive feelings flowing! Grab a journal or a notebook and write down 1-3 things a day that you are grateful for.

Share your Gratitude

Speaking your gratitude into the universe can be extremely powerful. Perhaps you are grateful for a compliment a family member said to you. Or maybe you’re grateful for the door a stranger held open for you. Share that thanks with them by telling them how they made you feel!

Find your Gratitude 

When you are in a difficult situation, it is easy to only see the negatives. First, acknowledge the parts that are hard. Then, see if you can find the positives. Even if it is hard, try to find something small to begin with.


Nina is a Licensed Associate Counselor with Evolve Counseling. She has experience working with depression, anxiety, identity issues, family conflict, self-esteem, developmental disabilities, and more. Nina’s approach is rooted in compassion, empathy, and acceptance.  She is passionate about guiding clients to live life on their own terms and challenge themselves to a lifetime of growth.