Health and Wellness

What is a Healthy Weight?

By Shelly Sandhu --- What is a healthy Weight?  Let’s start with an understanding of energy in versus energy out.  It’s not rocket science…if the energy you take in does not get used then you store it.  What is a good amount of energy for you?  That depends on your ...

Achieving Emotional Well-being

By Hannah Maine --- October is Emotional Wellness Month. Emotional wellness goes beyond managing negative emotions and isn’t just for people with mental health issues. All humans have emotions, so engaging in emotional wellness can be beneficial for everyone. Emotional wellness can affect your ability to go through everyday activities, ...

What is Dyslexia?

By  Miriam Aliberti It’s Dyslexia Awareness Month and we want to help spread the word! What is Dyslexia?  Dyslexia might be something you’ve never thought about before, but a surprising number of people are struggling with this disorder every day. The International Dyslexia Association indicates that 1 in 10 people ...

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