
Hope Is Key for Teens

By Nikki Kontz, LMSW --- September is national Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. In recognition of this important month, we’re helping teens throughout Arizona find hope – one of the keys in preventing suicidal thoughts and behaviors – and we’ve enlisted students and others on school campuses to help. From September ...

The Story of the Semicolon

By Jackie James --- Have you ever noticed someone with a semicolon tattoo, necklace, or ring and thought, “Who loves punctuation that much?” While the semicolon is an important tool in writing, it has a deeper meaning for some, and has become a symbol for mental health awareness and suicide ...

What to Know About Body Piercings

By Hannah Maine --- A body piercing is created often by using a needle to create a hole in the body and inserting jewelry into the hole. Most commonly, we see body piercings in the ears. Noses, belly buttons, lips, cheeks, and tongues are also common. Find the Right Body ...

Self-Care for Reduced Stress

By Kristen Donia --- Life isn’t always easy. There’s no other way to cut it. The ups and downs of our lives are captivating, heartbreaking, inspiring, soul-full, joyous and so much more. Let’s face it, even with technology and worldwide connection literally at our fingertips, there has never been more ...

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