
The power of expression is beautiful. As we grow up, we all learn to express ourselves in a way that feels unique yet personal to us. While it is true that a person’s identity can be stereotyped by factors such as their nationality, sex, and physical attributes, self-expression can help us break these stereotypes.

As society tries to box us up in molds of what we should be, many individuals find solace and a form of liberalization within themselves when wearing piercings of their choice.

But why do piercings make us feel empowered to express ourselves positively and create a sense of body positivity?

A Mural for Self-Expression

For many people, be it teenagers or adults, adorning their body with clothes, haircuts, and accessories of their choice is a powerful form of self-expression. It represents a big part of their personality.

Piercings offer individuals the opportunity to communicate their personal style, and give them a unique way to show it. This is a way for them to break some stereotypical molds and fit into their definition of what self-expression means.

Refusal Of Conventional Beauty Standards

From a very young age, we are told how to exist in a society based on our gender and personality traits. From the kind of clothes we wear to the right weight, there seems to be a rule for everything we are or should be.

Even our bodies are monitored. While piercings are celebrated in certain parts of the world as a beauty standard, they are frowned upon and associated with uncivilized culture in the other parts.

Many individuals refuse to play by these rules. Instead, they challenge them by using piercings as a form of power to defy the traditional beauty standards.

A Celebration of Body Positivity

Teenage is a phase of growth and change. As many teenagers try to get through the maze of growing up, they sometimes feel conscious about their bodies and how they should look.

Piercings help them to feel more confident in their bodies. When they are given autonomy over their body and choices, it creates a positive body image that helps them feel more secure and safe in their bodies.

Breaking Out of The Gender Stereotypes

Society’s definition of masculinity and femininity seems flawed. Many individuals do not subscribe to the centuries old gender stereotypes. For example, many boys in their teenage years want to be treated equally regardless of their choice of clothes and accessories.

To show this, many of them prefer piercings like these to represent masculinity in a new light with confidence.


As teenagers navigate through the labyrinth of growing up, piercings can offer an outlet for self-expression and fostering a sense of body positivity in them.

However, it is important to note that tattoos and body piercing, as a minor, may be unlawful without parental consent. Legislation varies by state. It is due to the fact that some piercings can be more risky than others, so due diligence is important in these scenarios.


Body Art Forms is a charity driven, sister-owned body jewelry brand.