Written by: Caitlin Alfonso, LMSW

How we feel emotionally and physically is constantly changing. Sometimes we are so wrapped up in our emotions that we do not even recognize how our bodies are feeling. We might be really excited about a big upcoming event, but our body is trying to tell us that it is feeling tired, stressed, or overwhelmed. So, the question is how do we keep up with our ever-changing states of mind and body?

One particularly helpful tool is doing a body scan. Body scans are just that, you take a mental and physical scan of your body from head to toe. This approach is great to do when you are feeling different emotions so that you can learn how your body feels when you are upset, happy, sad, excited, stressed, etc.

While you do not need to follow a script to do this activity, one has been provided below to help guide you through this exercise until you get used to doing it on your own.

Find a comfortable position. You may sit in a chair with your feet touching the ground, lie down on a flat surface, or even stand up. If you are comfortable, consider closing your eyes so that you can really focus on yourself without distractions.

Take three deep breaths in and out. With each breath you inhale, exhale for longer until all the air has left your lungs.

Continue breathing in. Bring awareness to the top of your head and then to your forehead. Notice if you feel any tension or stress there. If you do, breathe in and with your out breath let some of that tension go. Now continue bringing awareness to your face. Notice any tension in your jaw and slowly unclench your teeth, creating a slight gap in your mouth as you move through the rest of this exercise.

As you continue to move down your body, special attention to your neck. Notice any tension and let it go with each exhale moving down to your shoulders. Notice any tightness in your shoulders and shift your body so that your shoulders are flat and not close to your ears.

Continue to breathe in and out. Now focus on your chest and your heart energy. Breathing in and out as you notice how you feel in this moment in time. Now shift your focus to your arms and down to your fingers and you notice any soreness. Gently breathe into your limbs and breathe out tension.

Now take a deep breath and connect with your stomach. Notice how it feels in this moment. Your stomach is very connected to your emotions, so take some time and really connect with it. Feel free to place a hand over your tummy as you feel it rise and fall with your breath.

When you are ready move your awareness to your legs. Notice any tension in your legs and let it go. Thank them for all that they do for you and move your awareness down your legs until you reach your toes.

 Take a couple more deep breaths and then wiggle your toes and fingers. Feel your body come back into the space and when you are ready you may continue with the rest of your day with a newfound sense of relaxation.

Once you get more practiced and begin to recognize the different sensations in your body, you will not need to refer to the script to guide you as much. If you find reading the script challenging to fully relax, you may consider recording you reading it on your phone and playing it back to yourself instead – the point is that mindfulness can be as unique as you need it to be to suit your own personal preferences!


Caitlin Alfonso is a lover of coffee, reading, traveling and her dog, Remy. She is a Licensed Master Social Worker and owner of Acornic Consulting, LLC.