
Journaling as a Form of Self-Care

Written by: Caitlin Alfonso, LMSW Journaling is often regarded as a go-to coping strategy and mental health support. It makes sense too, there is a lot of research supporting the positive benefits of journaling. Journaling has been shown to be a strong stress-relief tool. Professor and researcher Matthew D. Lieberman ...

Spring Cleaning is Self-Care

Written by: Caitlin Alfonso, LMSW Spring break is around the corner and for some people this is a time to clean, organize and freshen up their space. For others, the idea of “spring cleaning” is the last thing on their mind. However, spring cleaning does offer its benefits and is ...

How to Become More Mindful in Everyday Life

Written by: Capri Curtis Mindfulness in its simplest form just means bringing loving attention to the present moment, regardless of what is happening. With mindfulness being incorporated into each day, we start to feel a deeper sense of peace and connection to presence, which brings an overall calmer experience in ...

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