Teen Strong

The Power Behind a Savings Habit

By M Katie Helle, CPA – Today, many young adults do not understand the power of a good savings habit.  I started working as a young teen and loved getting a paycheck.  To me, earning money meant freedom (SHOPPING!!).  At the time, I did not realize how valuable it would ...

Should I Get a Tat?

By  Miriam Aliberti --- “Look” says your friend as she presses down the waist of her yoga pants to reveal a butterfly tattooed on her skin. You’re tempted to get one of your own, but wonder if this is a good idea. Permanent tattoos have become popular in recent years. ...

What You Need to Know About K2

By Alison Stanton --- You may have heard some kids talking about K2 at school, or maybe one of your friends said she wants to try it. Either way, you probably have some questions about K2—for example, what it is, how it can affect your body and if you should ...

What does a Healthy Relationship Look Like?

By Bobbi Sudberry --- So you’ve got a boy/girlfriend; Now what? Being in a relationship of any kind, even when you’re in middle school or high school, takes work. Just because you’re “with” someone doesn’t mean you lose your rights as an individual. It does mean that you do have ...

STEM: What is it and How Can It Benefit Me?

By Jackie James --- Want to be on the cutting edge of cancer research? Maybe you enjoy writing programs for computer games or long to create city infrastructure, like highways, buildings and bridges. Maybe numbers are your favorite, and you enjoy solving problems. If any of this sounds like you, ...

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